Olympic rider Niels Bruynseels buys different lots on auction Optimus stables

08 october 2021

Optimus stables thanks everyone who bid on their auction and especially Egbert Schep on purchasing the top 2 priced foal

Optimus stables thanks everyone who bid on their auction and especially Egbert Schep on purchasing the top 2 priced foals of the auction. Stud farms, breeders as well as renowned stables found the way to their auction.

VDL stud, Karel Cox and Stable Spits – Ceulemans bought this year a full brother of the GP mare Cristel M. This time, Studfarm Van Dijck  became the new owner of a full brother of this amazing mare. Family Putters and once more VDL stud purchased a full sister.

Niels Bruynseels bought an embryo from Emerald out of the mother of Cristel and a Cumano out of Anita du Park. Earlier this month Niels bought together with Patrick Spits from the mother of Cristel an embryo by Cumano.

The embryo Chacco Blue x Cacacha van het Schaeck went for € 48 000 to a Belgian breeder.

As always Optimus stables is very excited to follow the futures of these exciting and talent filled prospects

In December another auction takes place with foals and embryos bred by Optimus stables. They are all Belgian bred. On the links below you can find some of this products:

Press here for foals

Press here for embryos

More information:
Dries Sebrechts
Optimus stables
+32 475 27 89 87

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